Ethiopia<span> is a landlocked country located in the horn of North East Africa</span>
Geo information service
In simple words, A geographic information scheme (GIS) is a computational structure for capturing and analysing geographical and spatial information. GIS frameworks are microprocessor tools that enable users to generate interactive questions storage as well as edit spatial and non-spatial data, evaluate spatial knowledge performance, and visually share the outcomes of these activities using maps.
Rendering of health care help to people with mental challenges, physical disabilities, physical disabilities related to old age; as well giving beside care like basic nursing procedures combined with patience and compassion.
Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) are unlicensed health care personal or paraprofessionals who are in the category of personal care workers in health services.
Under the supervision of a health care professional such as licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, etc., UAP functions are to render health care help to people with mental challenges, physical disabilities, old age physical disabilities, and among other health care assistance. UAP also give beside care like basic nursing procedures combined with patience and compassion.
These functions of the UAP carried out in private homes of clients, hospitals, residents of nursing facilities, and among other relevant locations.
Therefore, the aspect of the residents’ plans of care which UAP may participate include rendering of health care help to people with mental challenges, physical disabilities, old age physical disabilities; as well giving beside care like basic nursing procedures combined with patience and compassion.
Old Delhi is the most historic part of the metropolis, with its origins dating back to the time of the Moghuls. In contrast, New Delhi was designed by the British during colonial times, with much of the architectural work being down to Edwin Lutyens in the 1920s and 1930s.
The Minoans use to import goods like wine, oil and pottery. In return, they received ivory and copper.