The word "The" should fill in the blank.
When will we go to <u>the</u> cabin in the woods.
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the few Gothic writers and the following are some features of Gothic literature which is found in the excerpt:
•unexplained events,
•fear and horror,
•mystery and suspense, and
•supernatural elements.
a. Our car is making a chugging noise. It sounds ominous.
The Prince of Arragon is the second suitor to come try for Portia's hand (the second one we see in the play, anyway), in Act 2, Scene 9. Like the Prince of Morocco, the Prince of Arragon reasons his way through the caskets. The lead is too plain, he suspects, and the gold too ostentatious; the "many" people who value appearances over reality would choose it but would be mistaken to do so.
In considering the silver casket, Arragon considers carefully, reflecting that many who are rich and powerful do not deserve to be so, while many who are poor and weak deserve more wealth and power than they can claim. After much reflection, Arragon decides he does, in fact, deserve Portia, saying:
<span>In the essay the author explores the movie Monsters Inc. and how it turns the socially accepted view of what a monster is on its head. Instead of the audience being afraid of the monsters in the movie these monsters serve as the protagonist. The audience wants the monster to succeed because in the end their success relates directly to that of a young girls.</span>