how the world war 2 impacted the USA america’s invlove meant in World War 2 had a signfgiant impact on the economy and workforce of the United State. American factories were retooled to produce goods to support the war effort and almost overnight the unemployment rate dropped to around 10%.
Sorry I couldn’t answer the rest of you question and if this isn’t what your looking for sorry.
Segregation and blacks where the last to be hired and the first to be fired
War Communism is the name given to the economic system that existed in Russia from 1918 to 1921 and was introduced by Lenin to combat the economic problems brought on by the civil war in Russia.
A majority in the Bolshevik hierarchy thought that it would be a good idea to remove factory managers and let the workers take it upon themselves to run the factories on behalf of the people.
The people were divided into four categories: workers who performed hard, demanding labour, manual workers in harmful trades, workers in light tasks, which included housewives and professional people.
In addition, the Bolshevik hierarchy could blame a lot of Russia’s troubles on the Whites, as they controlled the areas which would have supplied the factories with produce.
It centred on all industries being nationalised and saw the introduction of strict centralised management, state control of foreign trade, forbidding strikes of any nature by workers, labour duty by non-working classes, prodrazvyorstka – which is claiming agricultural surplus from peasants for centralised distribution among the remaining population – rationing of food and most commodities, with centralised distribution in urban centres, private enterprise being banned and military-style control of the railways.
Searching for sea root toward Asia
The European explorations were a direct result of the establishing of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans had their empire right on the most important place when it came to trade between Europe and Asia, so pretty much everything had to pass through their territory. They used this in order to get a lot of wealth, so they imposed big taxes. That was not seen fondly by the Europeans because they were dependent on the good will of someone else, and plus everything was becoming more expensive and less profitable. In order to find a new sea root toward Asia, they actually managed to discover two new continents by accident, North and South America, thus setting the beginnings of the colonialism.