could use less heat and air conditioning, lighting, electronics in our homes. Drive gasoline cars less often, and walk more. stop buying new clothes as much, and recycling used. use renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.
For one to form, there needs to be warm ocean water and moist, humid air in the region. When humid air is flowing upward at a zone of low pressure over warm ocean water, the water is released from the air as creating the clouds of the storm. As it rises, the air in a hurricane rotates.
In short pressure zones over warm ocean
Liters/cl/ml/dl for liquids and cubic meters/cm/mm/km for solids
As with sea horses, sea dragon males are responsible for childbearing. But instead of a pouch, like sea horses have, male sea dragons have a spongy brood patch on the underside of the tail where females deposit their bright-pink eggs during mating.