Have you been to college?
Hi Jayjay93
Clauses modify nouns, pronouns, verbs, or adverbs is a true statement so that would be your answer.
Answer: B) or the second option.
Answer: You should think of your thesis statement as a road map that leads and structures what your entire paper will be about.
Example Thesis; American citizens during the transition from the agrarian world to the post modern would felt a sense of mass alienation.
- Then, after this your entire paper should and would be you explaining into details the ways in how this transition affected them so much.
hope this helps!
Romeo is in love with Rosaline. Mercutio tells him to get over her. He and Mercutio get invite to a party where he meets Juliet. they fall in love right away and juliet tells the nurse. the nurse knew that it was romeo. after the party romeo climbs over the walls to go see juliet. Romeo and Juliet plan with the nurse to get married. Her father wants her to get married to another man named Paris. After Romeo and Juliet get married him and Mercutio take a walk, were they run into Tybalt. Tybalt and Merctio start to fight which leads to Mercutios death. Romeo is upset that Tybalt kills Mercutio so Romeo goes to fight Tybalt. Tybalt now gets killed by Romeo. The Prince comes to see mercutio which is the princes cousin. The prince bans Romeo from the town. Juliet plans to fake her death so she can be rescued and live with romeo. Juliet`s plan works, but Romeo gets to Juliet and thinks that she really dies which leads to romeo killing himself. Juliet then wakes up out of her deep sleep to find romeo next to her dead so she ends up killing herself. THE END.
Torres was ejected from the game because it was his second unsportsmanlike penalty in that game alone. He was high stepping as he scored a touchdown which led to a being thrown because they believed Torres was 'taunting' his opponents.