Here’s a typical conversation structure.
A: Say “Hi!”, “Hello!” and follow with a phrase like “How are you?” or “How are things?”
B: Answer with a phrase like “Fine” and ask A a similar question.
A: Reply
Here’s an example:
A: Hi Suzie. How are you?
B: Fine thanks. And you?
A. Yeah, fine thanks.
“Fine”, “Fine thanks”, “OK”, “OK thanks” all mean the same.
“I’m very well, thanks” is more formal.
“Not bad thanks”, “Can’t complain” are less positive.
In formal situations, you can also say “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” and “Good evening”.
“Good morning” = for the morning up to lunch.
“Good afternoon” = for the afternoon until early evening (i.e. around 6pm)
“Good evening” = for the rest of the evening
“Good night” = when you leave a person at the end of the evening, or when you go to bed.
Seems pretty good, I don't see a problem with your answers.
1, 2, and 4. Spending more money than you earn is something that will send you in debt.
Foreshadowing points to an upcoming event in the story. Shakespeare used the literarcy technique in many of his plays. The following lines can be used as evidence:
RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): Go, tread the path that thou shalt ne'er return.
Simple, plain Clarence! I do love thee so,
That I will shortly send thy soul to heaven,
If heaven will take the present at our hands.
But who comes here? the new-deliver'd Hastings?
The lines show that Richard is going to kill Clarence. While he was thinking about it, Hastings enters the room. Shakespeare's usage of foreshadowing comes to light at this point that there is going to be something between Richard and Clarence.