In November 19,1863 Abraham Lincoln's speech, in the last sentence he said "the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".
South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia. The economic difference between the three colonial regions. ... Shipbuilding, whaling, fishing, and trapping where also main factors to the economy. The Southern regional colonies economy was based on sugarcane, rice, cotton, tobacco, and indigo.Oct 10, 2014
How did America's involvement in World War II impact race relations in the military? Individuals of different backgrounds made significant contributions to the war effort, which encouraged racial integration in the military. huge losses in agriculture.
Samuel Gompers is the correct answer.
Samuel Gomper was the founder of the American Federation of Labour- Congress of Industrial Organizations. It tried to organize workers in craft unions and industries. It was a federation of Unions formed in 1955 by merging AFL and CIO and replaced the knights of labor. It was founded by Samuel Gompers. He was a labor union leader and an important figure of American labor union history. He served as the president of the union from 1886 to 1894 and from 1895 to 1924. He was a supporter of harmony among various unions. He mostly supported democrats and opposed the socialists. His main methods for securing higher salaries and shorter works hours were organization and collective bargaining. Gompers and AFL supported the war by averting strikes, expanding membership and raising the wages