OK my friend so basically new political structures grew because they relied on the help of wealth and mercenaries
For Christians, Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. For Muslims, the first thing in that there is a mosque there that is considered 3rd holiest place in the world to them. The second thing is that and there is a thing called the Shrine of the Dome of the Rocks which is the place that Muslims believe that Muhammed ascended into heaven. And for Jewish people, there is this thing called Kotel, or "western wall" where they believe was the foundation block of the Earth and also the closest they can pray to the holiest of the holiest.
The issues you care about and see if they will do anything for it. Have they donated? What they have done for the community.
It would be "psychology" and "philosophy" and "psychology" that have Greek origins, although it should be noted that several sub-disciplines of these forms have other origins.
the Confederate Victory gives us off a surge of confidence and shocked many in the north who realized the war would not be one as easily as they had hoped