With the exception of Austria-Hungary, new imperialism was entrenched in the policies of all the European powers. This frenzy to acquire colonies was due to the potential financial and psychological benefits that colonies provide. Financially speaking, the colonies can help European nation’s name economy by firstly providing the raw materials necessary for industrialization which were lacking in continental Europe. Secondly, after using the raw materials to produce the merchandise, the colonies provided a market where the European nations can sell their manufactured goods. Hence, new colonies can begin an exploitive cycle where the European nations take resources from their colonial subjects then profits exportation of completed goods
B. spices and other goods found in Asia is the correct answer.
The British established the East India Company to acquire spices and other goods found in Asia.
The British East India Company established on 31st December 1600 for trade relationships with Asia.
The company was established to participate in East Indian spice.
The British East India Company was established to generate successful trade among countries in the area of Asia called East Indies.
Later the British East India Company was also involved in the trade of various commodities such as silk, porcelain, and tea.
By the early 1920s, Chaplin was making his own films with actors Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks due to the establishment of Chaplin Studios and United Artists in 1919. Having control of his own films lead to classics such as 'The Kid', 'The Gold Rush', 'City Lights', 'Modern Times' and 'The Great Dictator'.
The significance of public health expenditure has always been of utmost importance. It shows how much health security a country has and how much the government cares about its citizens.
Spending on public health means healthier public which leads to decreased mortality rate. Infant deaths are decreased and a healthier public is tend to create a healthier and more prosperous economy as there will be more labor available.
I hope the answer is helpful.