An art collector from Italy Giampietro Campana
The ancient gold collection of Campana, which was remade and restored by Castellani was bought by the French State in 1861 and preserved in the Louvre.
<h2>Further Explanation
Giampietro Campana is an Italian art collector who collects one of the largest collections of Greek and Roman sculpture and antiquity.
Campana was born in Rome into a sophisticated environment: the family was also entrusted with the operation of Monte di Pietà, a papal charity that operated as a pawnshop to Rome;
The Campana collections range from bronze and marble sculptures, terracotta reliefs to Roman architecture which are still called reliefs "Campana", ceramics, numismatics, and medals, obtained in the market and through excavations on its own properties and other sites and beautifully arranged and displayed in the Villa del Laterano. He also collected Italian paintings, forming a famous collection of so-called "primitive" 14th and 15th centuries.
In 1851 Campana married the British woman Emily Rowles, whose family had connections with Prince Louis Napoleon, soon Napoleon III. Because of his cultural advantages, he was given the title of marchese at Cavelli by Ferdinand II of Naples. He is an advisor to the Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar
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Giampietro Campana
His art
Class: Middle School
Subject: Arts
Keyword: Louvre, Campana, French