Answer with explanation:</h2><h3>
Ques 7)</h3>
<u>Score for essay at Beginning of Teachers Training:</u>
76 81 85 79 89 86 84 80 88 79
The mean of the score is calculated as:

Now, mean absolute deviation is calculated as:

where n are the number of points.
x |x-x'|
76 6.7
81 1.7
85 2.3
79 3.7
89 6.3
86 3.3
84 1.3
80 2.7
88 5.3
79 3.7
Hence, MAD is:

<u>Score for essay at End of Teachers Training:</u>
79 82 84 81 77 85 82 80 78 83
The mean of the score is calculated as:

Now, mean absolute deviation is calculated as:

where n are the number of points.
x |x-x'|
79 2.1
82 0.9
84 2.9
81 0.1
77 4.1
85 3.9
82 0.9
80 1.1
78 3.1
83 1.9
Hence, MAD is:

Yes, the teacher made progress in standarizing the score. Since the MAD decreases after the end of training.
Ques 8)</h3>
If the MAD is 0 than this means that all the scores are same and hence equal to the mean and would result in the deviation equal to 0 and hence the mean absolute deviation is 0.