During the war : O’Brien hadn’t realized he was going to kill the man until the man was dead, all O’Brien felt was ‘sour nervousness’ he stated.
After the war : O’Brien felt as if he himself did not kill the man because his mind has still refused to come to terms with it, but he feels guilt sometimes.
En las fotos tienen las respuestas
hay muchas maneras de usar, "to do" en inglés
The person wonders if there is a point when humans know everything, or if there is a point where humans are too full of knowledge to learn anything else.
The answer is C,All matter takes up space and has mass
Someone to find inspiring Is thedore Rossevelt cause befor he became the president he was a contry man he built a Ox Farm of his own helped fend off the trespassers from the towns country fence and many more