Many slaves living in cities worked as domestics, but others worked as blacksmiths, carpenters, shoemakers, bakers, or other tradespeople. Often, slaves were hired out by their masters, for a day or up to several years. Sometimes slaves were allowed to hire themselves out.
One could argue that one similarity that Britain and the West Indies had with the New England colonies was that they all shared in the same "triangle trade", which brought large amounts of slaves to the Caribbean and large amounts of sugar and other products to Britain.
The English, Dutch and French forces saw that the Caribbean islands where valuable and those European powers started to fight for it, when the English started to prevail Spain was forced to retreat and the consequences where that Spain lost one of its valuable land but also it lost soldiers during the fights it had with the other powers.
The origin of the 1905 revolution goes back to the recently-concluded Russo-Japanese War, in which Japan placed a serious check on Russia's power to expand in East Asia. Many Russians saw this outcome as a source of humiliation, and supported an effort to remove the Tsar because of it.
the first one
to ensure individual rights