Muslim forces ultimately expelled the European Christians who invaded the eastern Mediterranean repeatedly in the 12th and 13th centuries—and thwarted their effort to regain control of sacred Holy Land sites such as Jerusalem. Still, most histories of the Crusades offer a largely one-sided view, drawn originally from European medieval chronicles, then filtered through 18th and 19th-century Western scholars.
Shay’s rebellion was an imperative in showing that the Articles of Confederation, the United States first constitution, had significant flaws and needed to either be changed or replaced. Since the US federal government had no control over the states, they did not have the ability to call on a reliable army to stop the rebellion. The 13 states at the time could not be held accountable for anything. This flaw in the Articles of Confederation showed that a stronger federal government was needed in order to keep order in American society.
Ordered James Madison, his Secretary of State, to stop work on the appointments.
The correct answer is mass production of automobiles.
Explanation: The United States story periods between 1918 and 1945
It is marked by a period of great economic growth. By the end of the 1920s, however, the United States would enter a major period of economic recession, marked by high unemployment, misery and deflation, which would extend throughout the 1930s, and the negative effects of which have shaken many other countries. worldwide. In 1941, with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States would enter World War II, thus marking the end of the Great Depression. The war would end in 1945, and with its end, the United States would become one of the two great world superpowers, the other being the Soviet Union.
The eastern had never approved