Mitochondria produces energy, a lot of athletes tend to have more mitochondria. Their mitochondria is able to produce a lot more energy. Protein food support amini acids like glutathione that protect the mitochondria. This is a better way to boost your energy rather than junk food.
You can sleep in any position as long as the bedside bag is below your bladder. Do not place the urine bag on the floor. Always keep your urine bag below your bladder, which is at the level of your waist.
another tip
When deflating the cuff, the first Korotkoff sound is systolic and the point in which the Korotkoff sounds are no longer heard is diastolic (Hypertension Canada,). if your in a wheel chair you can put it into a black or whatever color bag you have it in but its not really the best thing to let it hang on the floor as long as it is below the bladder you will be fine
It depends how long you do it because if you were to doing plank, it can be a choice for you to know when to stop.