c) a sorcerer's mad quest for power ends up destroying him in the end
Classical tragedies are the tragedies that had the origin of the Ancient Greeks. It is considered one of the oldest genres of drama. Tragedy defines a mis-happening or a misfortune that is focused on a written form of art. Classical tragedies had two important characteristics. One is Hamartia which is referred to as the tragic flaw of the hero which forms the reason for his downfall. The other is Peripeteia which is referred to as the reversal of the fortune of the hero.
The story premise of the option (c) clearly states it to be a classic tragedy. The sorcerer's madness behind power forms the path for the Hamartia while his destruction at the end forms the path for Peripeteia.
You have provided textual evidence for your first point, now provide it for your second and third points. Then conclude your analysis by briefly summarizing your main points and reiterate that it is conclusively a formal essay.
True all paragraphs must have topic sentence.
Thesis statement for given essay topic on Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age
essay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricularessay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricular