Answer: Researchers estimate that there were 15 million to 20 million American Indians in the territory that would become the United States at the time of first contact with European explorers in the 15th century.
Teachers showing favoritism to other students of the same race
<u><em>President Harry Truman</em></u>, by August 1945, had to take an<u> important decision about ending the war with Japan as soon as possible, knowing that they (Japanese) already lost the war at that moment.</u> <u><em>President Truman</em></u> had four options: 1. Continue conventional bombing; 2. A ground invasion of Japan; 3. Demonstration of the bomb on a deserted island; or, 4. Use of the bomb on a populated Japanese city. After careful considerations, <em><u>President Truman</u></em>, his advisors, and commanders decided to bomb Hiroshima to make a strong impression on Japanese Emperor, Army, and civilians.
If dropping the bomb was the right decision or not, it's still not easy to affirm. <u>However, the goal was to get a quick surrender from Japan and to do not extend the war uselessly.</u> In that sense, it was a painful and effective decision.
The conflicts between Protestants and Catholics that challenged the established political order, such as King Philip's militant Catholicism and Henry IV and the French Wars of Religion; population decline and rising social tensions; the Thirty Years' War; the Peace of Westphalia that gave Sweden, France, and their allies new territories and divided the Holy Roman Empire into more than 300 independent states.