Maslows hierarchy of needs is a description of the needs that motivate human behavior.
Answer: This is called a tragic hero. Someone who is doomed to die, yet as a good person. For example: Hamilton was a tragic hero, he was intellectual, intelligent, and truly a writer, however he knew this about himself and became somewhat arrogant and conceded, his will to prove he was the best in end was his downfall. Another example was John Proctor in The Crucible, had he admitted he was in league with witches and the devil he would be granted his life, however hiding true to his faith and loyalty to God, he never once allowed himself to lie. Knowing his life maybe spared, but his soul forever tainted in the eyes of God. A tragic hero is a person of good heart and soul, who allows their flaws to get the best of them. Proctors flaw was his honesty at all costs, even the cost of his life.
Hope this helps ^_^
Answer:It depicts her as a round character because she is looking to change her career
It’s like when people say Chinese people eat dogs and cats and Mexican people eat tacos
Answer: B. Parents try to give children what they can to help them have a better life.
The option that identifies the theme of the text is that "Parents try to give children what they can to help them have a better life".
The detail from the text that supports the answer is when it was stated that there was nothing to give the child except the things regarding who he was and also where he came from. Since his pappy did something, he can do something as well.
Therefore, the correct option is B.