Sound is not used in writing to create imagery.
Answer: I would actually disagree on this
Explanation: In America there was a time period where conscientious objectors were ordered by the government to vote. However, their denial to vote brought them severe prison time, torture and opposition. If 16 year olds could vote then people with religious beliefs or who are conscientious objectors would be bullied by political peers and such pressure could obligate them to go against their conscious and norms. From ages 16 to 18 a person is too young to commit the right decisions without a person actually influencing them. A person is capable of thinking for themselves without outward influences when they are about 21 and up. Also, voting is not necessary, it’s simple tradition. It’s a superficial thing, people think they choose the president but in reality it’s the Supreme Court who makes that decision for you. You could fact check that if you attend a civics class or if you directly ask a representative from congress.
An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots. Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant. ... Although ellipses are used in many ways, the three-dot method is the simplest.
The definition of aristocratic is someone or something that is part of or similar to royalty or people who believe they are superior in some way. When someone likes to buy expensive things and enjoy the best of everything it is an example of having aristocratic tastes.