<span>Both solar energy and wind energy are beneficial to soil quality. They are not using fossil fuels that both harm the soil with digging and fracking, but also are not being burnt which harms the air and can create acid rain. Both solar and wind are using nature to benefit the world. As long as the sun keeps burning and the world turning, we will continue to be able to use them.</span>
North America. Included with Canada and Mexico.
The Sun
The sun does not move or rotate and hence cannot retrograde, however the other planets rotate. Some astronomers define retrograde motion as the Westward movement of the planets relative to the sun, based on this definition, all the planets experience retrograde movement. On the other hand, while some astronomers define retrograde motion as the movement that the other planets make when earth passes them while orbiting the sun. Based on this second classification, Mercury and Venus do not retrograde relative to the earth because they move faster than the earth.
Answer:Fixation - Fixation is the first step in the process of making nitrogen usable by plants. Here bacteria change nitrogen into ammonium. Nitrification - This is the process by which ammonium gets changed into nitrates by bacteria. Nitrates are what the plants can then absorb
As the water vapor rises up in the air, it condenses, or starts to cool down and turns back into a liquid. Then, droplets of water start to stick together as clouds. When water drops fall from clouds, it is called rain. Sometimes the droplets freeze before they get to the ground and become hail, sleet, or snow