The reason that Antarctica is unclaimed is due to the Antarctic treaty signed by 12 developed nation in 1956 (and since then 38 nations) which states that no nation can claim the region. This treaty was aimed at protecting the continent’s ecozone (from military operations and mineral exploitation, etc) that is essential or the planet. Due to the harsh environment on the continent, it is also inhabitable and is more or less unoccupied.
They are not being produced as fast as they are being used.
The amount of tectonic activity along the margin
<u>Margins are categorized as passive when the tectonic activity along it is poor.</u> This is manifested through rare to non-existent <em>earthquakes</em> and <em>volcano eruptions</em> in the area.
On the other hand, <u>active margins are characterized by frequent tectonic activity.</u> This means <em>mountain formation, earthquakes, and volcano activity</em> are not strange here.