The silk roads and the indian ocean were both trading routes to carry goods from Asia to Europe. they both carried luxury goods like silk, spices, and porcelain.
At the Yalta Conference in February, 1945, Stalin had agreed to enter the war against Japan three months after Germany was defeated. Victory in Europe was achieved on May 8, 1945. The Soviet Union declared war on Japan on August 8, 1945, and invaded Manchuria with over a million troops to take on the Japanese army there.
As to the dropping of the second atomic bomb, even the dropping of the first could be challenged when factoring in the USSR. An option to dropping atomic bombs was to enlist Soviet troops in a joint invasion of Japan. But the USA wanted to avoid postwar Soviet presence in Japan, and the atomic bombs were seen as a way of ending the war quickly. As to the use of a second bomb at Nagasaki after the first was dropped on Hiroshima, it was because of the Allies' requirement that Japan submit to an unconditional surrender. They did not do so in the immediate aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing, so the second bomb was used. You can consider for yourself whether some other resolution besides "unconditional surrender" was a viable option.
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Judaism is a different from other religions because there is much dispute between texts/documents and what they mean to each individually. Maybe Jews who are Secular or Reform do not even believe in an afterlife, the idea that there are so many different viewpoints within a religion is weird, but also interesting - CZC
The Declaration of Sentiments, also known as the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments,[1] is a document signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men—100 out of some 300 attendees at the first women's rights convention to be organized by women. The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence. She was a key organizer of the convention along with Lucretia Coffin Mott, and Martha Coffin Wright.
According to the North Star, published by Frederick Douglass, whose attendance at the convention and support of the Declaration helped pass the resolutions put forward, the document was the "grand movement for attaining the civil, social, political, and religious rights of women."[2][3]
At a time when traditional roles were still very much in place, the Declaration caused much controversy. Many people respected the courage and abilities behind the drafting of the document, but were unwilling to abandon conventional mindsets. An article in the Oneida Whig published soon after the convention described the document as "the most shocking and unnatural event ever recorded in the history of womanity." Many newspapers insisted that the Declaration was drafted at the expense of women's more appropriate duties. At a time when temperance and female property rights were major issues, even many supporters of women's rights believed the Declaration's endorsement of women's suffrage would hinder the nascent women's rights movement, causing it to lose much needed public support.