maybe D
people get creative with art. anything can be turned into art
srry if wrong but
hope this helps
“And”or “or” hope this helped
The correct answer is always you a coma for a sentence like that
1 is b) to rest on a liquid surface. 2 is c) to move is a relaxed way
When Edna visits Adele Ratignolle when her friend’s difficult childbirth is over and she prepares to leave, Madame Ratignolle whispers dramatically to her "Think of the children, Edna . . . Remember them!"
In addition to reminding Edna that she underwent a similar experience when bringing Raoul and Etienne into the world, Madame Ratignolle ends by reminding her that she is still accountable for their welfare because she is their mother. Edna had not given any thought to how her decision to abandon her children's father in favor of another man might have a negative impact on their future. She has been wholly preoccupied with experience rather than impact. Edna now has the freedom that comes with the boys being out of sight and out of mind as a result of their brief absence. Edna is forced to reconsider her commitment to satisfying all of her whims at the expense of everyone else by Madame Ratignolle's insistent words, delivered with such impact in her hour of trial and success.
More about The Awakening