number 1= don't I?
number 2= aren't they?
number 4= don't I?
I think number 3 is donot they?
Touch, the wounding cords that bind and strain represents touch.
Gene feels power when he trains with Finny.
He begins to push himself further and further until he is able to go well past what he was once able to do.
It's Tasty. First off, it tastes good.
It's Quick and Easy. Junk food is also incredibly convenient.
It's Available 24/7. Likewise, junk food's always available.
It's Cheap.
" war is a time out of balance. When it is truly over, we must work to restore peace and harmony once again"
"As long as we can remember them, our families will always be with us."
"Guilt can make you doubt yourself at the very moment when you need to proceed with certainty."
"But being Catholic did not mean we would forget the Holy People and our Navajo Way"
"Remember, grandchildren, like so many other Navajos, I had grown up hearing only criticism and hard words from the <em>bilagaanaas</em> about our people. We Navajos were stupid. We were lazy. We could not be taught anything. We could never be as good as any white man. To hear what was now being said truly made the sun shine in my heart"
"Yet all the laws of the United States, those laws that we now have to live by, they are in English"
Hope this helps;)