The answer is <em>C: twisting the handlebars quickly and wiggling the front wheel</em>.
1. Twisting the handlebars quickly: "There is a third movement of the handle bars --a quick twist in the direction the machine is leaning if about to fall."
2. Wiggling the front wheel: [prevent the fall by throwing the balance the other way] " a similar result is accomplished by wiggling the front wheel...a continuous wiggle --changing the balance...-- is necessary to keep it upright."
at the top row it says ingredients mark that off, do u have a list of the words to find?
<em>ghfghfgdsssssssssssssssssssssssfadfqsdf asdwasdasd a</em>
Getting older objectively only has to do with chronological age. Growing up is more of a subjective term because it could mean an increase in age, an increase in maturity, or a change of personality.
I hope this helps.
1.A hurricane was coming, so everyone boarded up their windows and bought supplies
2.thomas Jefferson was a philosopher with a greath mind:In fact, he invented many devices
3.Robert, carol and tim's friend, is a wonderful cook and he often invites them for brunch
4.the inca people lived in what is now Peru, building machu picchu's very hot this week,so we're using the air conditiong a lot, even if it is expensive