Corn oil and grape juice are alike and different as both of them provide good amount of calories but exhibit difference in the amount of Vitamin C they provide.
- The percentage of Vitamin C that 100 percent grape juice has is 120 percent DV.
- On the other hand, the percentage of Vitamin C that corn oil has is 0 percent of its total nutrition.
- The amount of calories that are there in 100 grams of grape juice are 60.
- Whereas, the amount of calories in 100 grams of corn oil are 90.
An apple and cupcake are around the same size if you compare them in that respect.
As for energy, a cupcake gives you a lot of energy at that moment, called a “sugar rush”. But an apple has more fat and protein, giving you more energy an hour or a bit more later, but the apple’s energy will not drop off later leaving you feeling fatigued unlike the cupcake.
Increasing democratization is the factor contributing to the acceleration of globalization.
- In globalization political participation gets the increase.
- It also reduces inequality.
- It also increases the levels of education in poor countries.
- It explains the political changes in the country.
- It depends upon factors such as the economy, history, and civil society.
- It makes leaders more accountable to the citizen.
- It removes the unusual transaction in political participation.
- It plays a major role in education and economic development.
- The important benefits of globalization are the lower cost of living, more wealth in the world.
He thought that the place was in a battle with Satan.
b. dualistic thinking
Dualistic thinking -
It is the method of thinking , where both the aspect of any person or thing is considered, i.e. , both the good and bad aspect , is known as dualistic thinking.
This method enables the person to think in both the way while making any decision,
Hence, from the question , the correct term according to the given information of the question , is dualistic thinking.