Answer and explanation;
They are alike in that;
-Both stern and years sounds alike so these words are rhymes. Rhymes are the words that correspond and sound almost the same when they are spoken.
-They differ in meaning such that; Stern means very serious in discipline or assertion of authority and yearns mean a strong feeling of need and longing of something more particularly for something one has lost.
Dear Mrs/Mr. (insert name),
How are you today?
I am so honored that you have my best interests at heart and that you chose to recommend this wonderful boarding school for me, however I prefer the school I am currently going to as of right now and here's why.
First off, the teachers here are really great, and I feel like I am in a safe environment. I can ask my teachers for help on concepts i don't quite understand and expect great answers. In, addition, this school is close to home, which means that, god forbid, something happened to me or a close relative, I can be picked up within moments notice. My parents wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to get me out of school, for the simpler matters either, like a doctor's appointment. And lastly, I can go to school with people that I know and am comfortable with. Changing schools halfway through high school can be tough for kids my age, who have grown up with the same people around them.
So I hope I have convinced you of the benefits of going to the school I already go to and I hope you understand that I am very grateful to have a person like you who has my best interests at heart.
insert name
Seminal documents
A seminal document is research that provides new ideas and is a basis to which others will add to and develop later on
c the autour could have ended there but didnt
Hello. You did not show the passage to which the question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. In the meantime, I will try to help.
Inferences are conclusions that are drawn from reading a text. In this case, it is only possible to answer your question by reading the text, however, we know that these conclusions are related to the behavior of a character called Balto. In this case, we can consider that the behavior of a person can bring conclusions about the personality of that character, about the tension level of a scene, about the tone and mood of a text, about the characterization of another character, about the plot stage and many other things.