ein nepal se hun phir bhi mujhe pata he..
Try not to think about the people in the crowd as much, they might say some stuff here and there, but it won't matter. You should worry more about what the teacher grades you based on what you say.
False because you can't always be feeling very positive of what your saying all the times.
Like they say "Nobody's perfect" :)
He said he had not left his house for the past one week and his business was suffering.
Indirect speech means a different person has done it, but you are narrating what they said. For example, "I ate a sandwich" could be "He said he ate a sandwich". You basically just add a pronoun wherever the word "I" was and at the beginning, just add "[pronoun] said or [pronoun] had" and then whatever they did with the word I as the pronoun you are using.
I know this is really confusing, so please tell me if it is!
I hope this helped you!