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The direct cause of World War I was the assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 at Sarajevo. However, there is never one single cause of a war between the world's superpowers. There are always many different causes and the last cause is often the tipping point. In this case, it was the assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Some of the main causes were the conflict between Germany and France over Alsace, Britain and Germany over their respective naval forces, and Russia and Austria over who owns the Balkans.
Nicholas II was forced to abdicate on the 15th of March 1917 after riots spread across the main Russian cities after which the they were taken over by worker's unions or Soviets.
On the day he abdicated, Nicholas wrote in his journal of a meeting he had with General N. V. Ruzski of the Northern Army while he was in Pskov where he was informed that he was to abdicate in order to avoid a further revolution amongst the Russian soldiers fighting the Germans on the Eastern front.
He assented to this and after meetings with Alexander Guchkov and Vasily Shulgin, he left Pskov full of sorrow because of the perceived treason, deception and cowardice that went on around him.
Whip helps the party agree and might assist the floor leader, the floor leader speaks for the party and might lead the caucus, and the Speaker of the house controls the agenda and may organize votes. These answers are just my suggestions to the best of my knowledge, but I hope they help.