Hi the Anchor is at the bottom of the 9 chain
Mostly, after WWI, Britain promised them their current stretch of land in the Middle East. While Britain did not deliver, this did give them their claims, and their holdings were secured in WWII and further legitimized in the current war on terror.
The various reform movements pertaining to women's rights were very important to women at the time, such as abolition, suffrage, temperance, and education.
The genre of art that depicts the actions of mythical Amazon is <u>Amazonomachy</u>
VistA was developed by the United States Department of Veterans Administration. The first version was developed in the late 1970s.
WorldVistA EHR was developed from the public domain VistA code at the time (2002) and has been updated to new code since then.
I know this because I am one of the parties that worked at the DVA and co-founded the WorldVistA organization. Our website is at http://www.worldvista.org if you want more information. (or send me an e-mail at
[email protected], phone is 713-870-3834 )