The essential elements of geography you would want to look at to also study the weather of a region would be factors that most greatly impact weather patterns. This would include proximity to large bodies of water including large lakes, seas, and oceans and also the proximity to major water currents. In addition to this you would want to look at proximity to mountain ranges or elevation changes and specifically look at the elevation of a location. You also would want to look at the latitude of a location to determine the distance from the equator which will also greatly impact the weather and climate of a place. Generally you want to look at any factors that impact the weather based on a locations geography.
The method of presenting history is different from that of other sciences. Even so , history uses the scientific method at every stage, namely, while looking for collecting evidence , examining the evidence and while putting it together. When required , help is also taken from other sciences. That is why , history is considered to be a scientific discipline.History is not written solely on the basis of imagination.
This is acurate answer.
Hi, there!
Which of the following contributed to the Great Depression?
C. An increase in poverty Is the correct Answer!
Have a great day!
If you are talking about the civil war