Christians received protection
For the first question, if I remember correctly, it was A, and for the 2nd, D.
From what I remember, Congress used literacy tests to limit the # of immigrants that came to the US, since they likely wouldn't be able to understand American language. And immigrants often suffer from poverty or persecution in their homes, which is why they immigrate.
It is the oldest known wooden sculpture
hope this helps!
Thomas Jefferson served as an ambassador to France before serving in Washingtons cabinet. (Hope this helps!)
I hope this question refers to the battle of stalingrad
This was a major turning point in WW2 as the Red guard strategically frustrated Hitler delaying his lightening victory tactics, until his soldiers were starved off food, supplies and weakened by encroaching winter. the heavy military loss that Hitler suffered at Stalingrad was never recoverable and from that point forward Hitler was fighting a defensive war from two fronts, a fete that heavily suffocated him.