The rhetoric from this last line seems to be saying as a metaphor that in the eyes of men, the vicious tricks of the horse or mule in spite of being provided fodder are like women, who dare to challenge the authority of men so this is a metaphor for the attitude of men to women. She wants women to to have the same rights as men in other words to education, to meaningful work and to participate in politics alongside and as equal partners to men.
Examples of modifier in a Sentence
In “a red hat,” the adjective “red” is a modifier describing the noun “hat.” In “They were talking loudly,” the adverb “loudly” is a modifier of the verb “talking.”
C) Confucianism will be suppressed by China's rulers.
In the passage, it says that Confucius' followers persuaded the ruler of China to create a university. That would rule out answer A because that is currently happening, the students are going to the university that was built. B is wrong because Confucius teachings does say to obey persons in authority without questioning. That is also already happening. C is the only answer left. If they convinced the ruler to create a university, then it is unlikely that the rulers do not like Confucius/Confucius' teachings.