Which one is the underlined word?
I couldn't see the underlined word. Please rewrite the question in order for me to help you. (Tip: use Ctrl+U to write an underlined word.)
Split-leaf philodendron will cost $22.4752.
24 years is the age limit
Three equally spaced points ( . . . ) often used to represent an omission of words in a quotation are best known as ellipsis. They are also known as ellipsis dots, suspension points, or simply ellipsis.
"For example, I may be writing an article to be published in a journal and not include ellipsis. . ."
In summary, we utilise ellipsis to indicate that a list goes on beyond those items actually spelled out in the text.
Learn more about ellipsis here:
The statue might bReAk because its #marble and is #fragile