For most of the long span of time the Anasazi occupied the region now known as the Four Corners, they lived in the open or in easily accessible sites within canyons. But about 1250, many of the people began constructing settlements high in the cliffs—settlements that offered defense and protection
The Iroquois people lived in longhouses. Longhouses were large wood-frame buildings covered with sheets of elm bark. The Iroquois of today live in modern houses and apartment buildings
Etymology: French, from Algonquian , literally, 'real adders'. Iroquoisnoun. A person belonging to one of these tribes. Etymology: French, from Algonquian , literally, 'real adders'
<span>49,457 miles
The most first landmarks of Amenhotep IV delineate the conventional love of gods executed by the masterful style of the people that were in existence before his reign, artifacts show that they were strong idol worshipers as shown by the artifact of falcon god sculpture. There are strong indications that the measurements were accurate and in accordance to their worship style</span>
Thomas Hobbes’ nature was to create common sense and urge the colonist to break free form Britain’s control and the British had a monarchy so you get it
The aspect which made it harder to live in Sumer than in the
Zagros foothills was that, Sumer lacked natural barriers such as hills,
mountain ranges, or different land forms or water forms around it to keep out
enemies from Sumer territory. The Sumer territory was found near the Rivers Tigris and Euphrates, though it is found between two rivers, this territory has been conquered by a different civilization/empire
Both trials involved little to no evidence in proving the accused guilty; all accusations were baseless.