Immortalizing- to bestow unending fame upon or to make immortal.
synonym- preserve, memorialize, commemorate
antonym- neglect, waste, use
sentence- he/she will be immortalized forever in the history of books.
Blasphemy- impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
synonym- cursing, desecration, abuse
antonym- godliness, religion, respect
sentence- he was detained on charges of blasphemy.
Hi hopefully you will have to see this again
How do animals enrich our lives?
9 Ways Pets Improve Our Lives
They can help improve self-esteem
They can help reduce the risk of allergies
They can help reduce our negativity
They can help reduce loneliness
They make us feel supported
They help make us want to stay healthier
They can help make us less stressed
They draw other people to us
They can help stabilize our blood pressure
The 1722 narrator knows why the statues were toppled, while the 1980 narrator does not.
good luck
Does it give you any options? If not i believe these might be right.
1. away
2. to
3. live
4. around
5. red
6. ?
7. space