Persona non grata from Latin- an unwelcome person.
This term is usually used in diplomacy, when due to some criminal/political actions a person is prohibited to enter a country. For example if a member of diplomatic mission is caught carrying out espionage missions he can be labeled "persona non grata", forced to leave a country and cannot return.
Persona non grata can also be used in less formal situation, when someone is not welcome in society/community due to his behavior.
Literary vignette is a poem, screenplay, theatrical script
Imagery- appeals to the senses. Ex: The leaves crackled under my bare feet.
Diction- What style you talk in to convey it. Ex: talk in anger, fear, happiness
Polysyndeton- repetition of conjunctions in close succession
So I guess your teacher wants you to get a picture and describe what was happening that we can't clearly see in the photo. I don't know if this helped?
If it did tell me?!?!?!
Bedlam: the Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, founded as a priory in 1247; by 1402, it was a hospital or asylum for lunatics; by extension, any madhouse (1663); hence, any scene of mad confusion (1667). Sovereign: a gold coin originally worth 22s.
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "rewrite the sentence as a question." When revising an active sentence into a passive sentence, then you have to revise the structure of the verb, move the actor to the subject position, move the receiver to thepredicate.
hippos capsize boats. They trample people. They bite to protect their young
main fact two says hippos are known to be the cause of death in many ways and capsizing boats can lead to death, trampling can lead to death, biting can lead to death.