Well in Chapter 31, Scout has walked Boo back to the Radley's place, boo walks inside and she just stands there,
she turns around to look at her neighborhood
Her neighborhood from 'His' point of view
Jem and Scout had always been iffy about Boo Radley and thought he was a monster... But of course readers will later find that Boo is Surely the Hero of the story...
Atticus' was right after all, you'll never know or understand a person until you've placed yourself in their shoes, Scout standing in the threshold of the Radley place and looking out at the street is the embodiment of the words of Atticus
One of the main reasons no one is doing their homework is that we have other things we have to do. Work is a great example because we can manipulate our work schedual and we always know when school ends and when school starts. This is one of the biggest problems, not knowing when we will finish our schoolwork toget everything else done. this is why easy busy work should be given, not long papers that we are required to write
One of the best ways... post one thing each day. And do not post a whole worksheet that requires thinking. Time is one of the hardest things for any home student to deal with.
Where is the text? We need context