False. Willard Wigan has created a microscopic replica of the statue of Liberty. It was Auguste Bartholdi, the designer of the the original statue who made several replicas on display in Paris, though none of them are as tall as the original one.
Non-Profit, Enviromental Orginization
Explanation: It is not possible to have a unique product in a purely competitive market, because A Purely Competitive Market is a market which has a broad range of competitors who produce the same product. This type of market structure is also called as the Perfect Competition
=》The goal of realistic writer and artist was to present reality and comment on social wrongs.
It made it so <span>The </span>Compromise of 1850<span> was a series of laws passed by the U.S. Congress in </span>1850<span>. The </span>compromise<span> was created when new land was added to the United States after the Mexican War. The northern free states and the southern slave states argued over whether the new land would allow slavery or not.</span>