La principal diferencia entre la digestión mecánica y química es que la descomposición mecánica de partículas de alimentos grandes en partículas de alimentos pequeñas ocurre en la digestión mecánica, mientras que la descomposición química de compuestos con un alto peso molecular en compuestos con un bajo peso molecular
brings life as know as water
I would expect to see HIGHER MALE INVESTMENT.
Bateman Triver hypothesis of sexual selection states that males compete with one other and female are choosy in which male to mate with when it comes to sexual reproduction.
Organisms obtain energy from each other. They feed on plants and other animals. Based on that they are classified into three types-
Herbivore - only plants
Carnivore- Only meat from other animals
Omnivore - Both plant and animals
When there is cycle like this it is called a food chain
Grass - Deer - Lion - Decomposer
Multiple foodchains are called food webs