Without claiming for the human skeleton a wholly conventional beauty, we may assert that he is certainly not uglier than a bull-
dog, whose popularity never wanes, and that he has a vastly more cheerful and ingratiating expression. "Without claiming for the human skeleton a wholly conventional beauty..." What effect does this opening dependent clause have upon the sentence? A) It lets the reader know that the beauty of a skeleton is entirely in the eye of the beholder. B) It maintains that the question of whether or not the skeleton is beautiful is a hotly contested one. C) It clarifies that the writer isn't making a controversial claim concerning the skeleton's appearance. D) It urges the reader not to allow his conventional thoughts concerning skeletons to prejudice his opinion.
Answer A:The Electoral College potentially throws off the balance established in the legislative branch by the Constitution. Answer B:No, because it explains how the legislative branch creates balance under the Constitution.
What type of people do you communicate with at your job? What do you like about communicating with people? In what ways do you feel accomplished with your job? Which do you feel is more of a personal way of communication, and why?
There are some, but you have to come up with some on your own.