My best guess for this question is to find good topic to talk about, and if your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information. So if your topic is too broad you have to do a lot of research, and find information that you thought made sense.
Is Washington DC a state, How many islands are in Hawaii, which is bigger, Texas or Alaska? Hope these help
I'd say a or c
C is a famous quote but not practical as rights. So maybe A!
writing. hahaha susuusususususuusus qia
Ivan Yakovlevich plans to get rid of his nose instead of bringing him back to Kovaloff.
Hello! Let me describe you about the statement which is a piece of evidence, why Ivan Yakovlevich is often blamed of things that do not his fault. It was happened in St. Petersburg, March 25. Ivan Yakovlevich was biting fresh bread in the morning and he unexpectedly found a nose in it. When he understood that this nose of Kovaloff, and he tried to get rid of his nose. Ivan Yakovlevich throws him from the Isaac's bridge and, against every expectation, is delayed by a quarterly policeman.