FDR was a progressive Democrat who firmly believed in the power of a strong Central government to solve the problems of the day.
This differed from Coolidge and Hoover who believed in the power of business to solve problems and saw a limited role for government.
The Bush administration sent additional troops to Iraq to bring peace to the country.
The Bush administration attacked Afghanistan and drove the Taliban from power.
Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union began almost exactly or even before World War Two ended. Now, events like The Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe, Iran Crisis of 1946, Greek Civil War, and so many events signaled Soviet aggression. Meanwhile, Churchill was very paranoid of Stalin and had been spying on the Soviets. Double agents were popping up everywhere, and fears boiled through Allied countries.
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The Normandy beach was littered with German land mines, barbed wire, heavy artillery batteries and machine-gun nests. There were also anti-tank walls, shelters constructed of thick concrete, anti-aircraft guns and many other types of defensive positions.