They have the ability to experiment freely with innovative approaches and, if necessary, to take risks.
They are flexible in adapting to local situations and responding to local needs and therefore able to develop integrated projects, as well as sectoral projects.
They enjoygood rapport with people and can render micro-assistance to very poor peope as they can identify those who are most in need and tailor assistance to their needs.
They have the ability to communicate at all levels, from the neighbourhood to the top levels of government.
They are able to recruit both experts and highly motivated staff with fewer restrictions than the government.
Paternalistic attitudes restrict the degree of participation in programme/project design.
Restricted/constrained ways of apporach to a problem or area.
Redued replicability of an idea, due to non-representativeness of the project or selected area, relatively small project coverage, dependence on outside financial resources, etc.
"Territorial possessiveness" of an area or project reduces cooperation between agencies, seen as threatening or competitive.
Answer:British officials reserved the land west of the Appalachian Mountains for American colonists.
They issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which declared the boundaries of the thirteen colonies as the Appalachian Mountains.
They used canons,guns,and fought in long lines to throw the enemy off.
The correct answer is "Senate members represent state interests while House members represent district interests."
One of the biggest differences between Senators and members of the House are the people they represent. Remember, there are two Senators per US state, no matter the size of the state. However, the number of representatives in the house for a respective state is based on its population. Larger states like California and New York have more representatives due to larger populations.
Due to the larger populations of these areas, the states are broken down into Congressional districts. These districts allow House members to bring up local matters on a national platform.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans’ rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States. And it specifies that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”