Laws, they are balanced with laws.
Representative democracy
I mean it cant be an anarchy because there isn't one person ruling
The author's account conforms with the popular image of the war
As the first industrialized war, WW1 was characterized principally by large scale destruction and large numbers of casualties both civilian and military. The author describes repeatedly not only the sheer number of casulities before him, but also the devastation wrought upon the soldiers in question- devastation caused by the various modern weapons of the 20th century, including heavy artillery and gas.
After the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg many more ways or architecture opened up as well as new ideas of technology. Gutenberg creating the printing press allowed us to further innovate his ideas to technological advanced printers. Many great thinkers including Gutenberg inspired others to try inventing something for once. Plus with the printing press being able to print books it improved children’s learning.
My good sir the answer is Florida, the state right above it and Texas
Here is a photo, The blue are the Confederate and the red is the union