The correct answer is B. Repetition.
Repetition is a literary figure that has the function of emphasizing an expression or idea, showing interest or highlighting the expression, and can be used in any type of text, especially literary ones. The repetition can be of a word or a phrase. Consistent with the above, the statement "…and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth." uses repetition because it repeats the word slavery twice. So, the correct answer is B. Repetition.
dear cannibal
i think what you doing is very wrong and is hurtful to others! please stop this madness at once instead have joy in your life with other not the other way around...
drogi kanibale
myślę, że to, co robisz, jest bardzo złe i szkodzi innym! proszę natychmiast powstrzymajcie to szaleństwo, zamiast tego miejcie radość w życiu z innymi, a nie na odwrót ...
False, cochlear implants do help a deaf individual perceive the sensation of a sound, but it can’t replace all the hair cells that send signals to the brain, so no it can’t give a full range of hearing
When the president arrives
Because I can't wait for the bus
As if he knew what was going to happen
Than his sister can
If you can work on Sundays