El género literario de la ciencia ficción es diverso, y su definición exacta sigue siendo una cuestión controvertida tanto entre eruditos como entre devotos. Esta falta de consenso se refleja en los debates sobre el género historia, particularmente sobre la determinación de sus orígenes exactos. Hay dos campos de pensamiento amplios, uno [cita requerida] que identifica las raíces del género en los inicios fantásticos obras como la epopeya sumeria de Gilgamesh (las primeras versiones del texto sumerio c. 2150-2000 a. C.). Un segundo enfoque sostiene que la ciencia ficción solo fue posible en algún momento entre el siglo XVII y principios Siglo XIX, tras la revolución científica y los principales descubrimientos en astronomía, física y matemáticas.
<h2>●♡ <em>jess </em>bregoli ♡●</h2>
<h3>#seguir aprendiendo!!</h3>
The arts and music classes are not an unnecessary cost. From personal experience, I have learned that students work better when they have something to look forward to during the day. A large portion of students do not care for subjects such as math and science, but instead like classes were they are free to show creativity. After school, teenagers tend to have activities such as sports, volunteer groups, study sessions, and lots of home work as well. When students have classes such as music and the arts ripped away from them and then put into an afterschool club it will make it much more difficult to participate in in those clubs, now students will no longer have a class to look forward to. this will also how they di in their core classes. Students are already really busy outside of school, if you add more clubs on top of that outside of school they will begin to become overwhelmed and fall behind. if you keep these electives along with the core classes, you will have happier students, students who are less stressed and less overwhelmed, and students who will perform better in all of their classes.
I believe that this is about 200 words.
I hope this was helpful!
Trabajaba is the correct answer