The nurse is reinforcing teaching with a group of caregivers of children diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. One of the careg
ivers tells the group, “I give my child ferrous sulfate.” Which statement made by the caregivers is correct regarding giving ferrous sulfate? (A) "We watch closely for any diarrhea since that usually happens when he takes ferrous sulfate." (B) "When I give my son ferrous sulfate I know he also needs potassium supplements." (C) "My husband gives our daughter orange juice when she takes her ferrous sulfate, so she gets Vitamin C." (D) "I always give the ferrous sulfate with meals."
Pessoas que andam descalças infectadas com uma doença chamada Esquistossomose que as tornam fracas e anêmicas. Essa doença ocorre devido ao contato físico das pessoas com a água doce contaminada em que o parasita está presente. Quando as pessoas que andam descalças entram em contato com água doce contaminada assim o parasita penetra em sua pele e causa a doença da Esquistossomose.
Answer - Put the Victim on the position of his back and make sure he/she does not move.
Reasoning - Reasoning why the victim probably has to be on his back and reduce movement is because you do not want any internal organs be damage or further cause problems to the victim.
well for one if you have any younger sibling they usaully are following you around or your parents probally to make sure what their doing is right. Some might feel lonely so thats why they follow after people. I think reallt overall they are dependant on others because their tryibg to figure out whats right or wrong.