third party issued credit cards that are issued by banks while using the credit provider's system.
Adductor complex
The valgus of the knee is also known as the valgus collapse and medial displacement of the knee. It is characterized by an adduction and internal rotation of the hip, usually when it is in a hip-flexed position (the knee actually abducts and rotates externally). It can also be thought of as a knee that expires while you descend on a<u> squat </u>or landing. When standing on one limb, the pelvis on the opposite side usually also falls during the valgus collapse.
Inadequate gluteus / hip strength (lower gluteus, gluteus buttocks, gluteus maximus, external hip rotators), possibly in combination with<u> hyperactive hip adductors</u>, prevents adequate stabilization of the femur. The hips move in adduction and internal rotation. And when the adductors are hyperactive compared to the external buttocks / rotators of the hip, the knee is dragged in a manner similar to the collapse of the valgus.
I believe that she has Oliguria. It is the medical term for a decreased output of urine. Aside from that, there are many potential causes and the two that we see her are dehydration and a urinary tract obstruction. She is decreasing her normal fluid intake. Your body can't replace the fluids that you're losing. When this happens your kidneys retain as much fluid as they can. As for urinary tract obstruction, she has increased her protein intake. A high-protein diet can inhibit your body from eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism. This can cause a blockage in your kidneys. This explains why she has flank pain and a high fever.