One of the major compromises made between the Northern and Southern states during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 concerned B) counting slaves in the population. As a result of this compromise the states agreed to count each slave as 3/5 of a person and the compromise thus became known as the three fifths compromise.
They believed that slavery was ok and that they needed a slaves for their plantation. By using slaves, they would bring a bigger profit to Texas.
The life in both Sparta and Athens were relied on slave labor. Both also had assemblies and a partially citizen-elected government. They both also required for the men to train for the military, and in result, they both had a strong military.
Of course, money isn’t speech – it’s money. I literally don’t know anyone who thinks that money is speech. Certainly, the justices of the Supreme Court don’t think that. Rather, the phrase “money is speech” is a convenient shorthand for a more complex idea, similar to when we say things like “time is money,” or even “money talks.” Duh, of course not.